Future of Magento 2: Insights from MageConf 2019
MageConf is considered to be the biggest Magento conference in Ukraine. Hundreds of developers as well as Magento evangelists and architects attend it. This year almost 40 of our engineers took part in the event, and we asked some of them to share their experience with our readers.
MageConf is considered to be the biggest Magento conference in Ukraine. Hundreds of developers as well as Magento evangelists and architects attend it. This year almost 40 of our engineers took part in the event, and we asked some of them to share their experience with our readers.
Here are the insights we have for you.
Sergey Nezbritskiy,
Lead backend developer at Magecom
“It was extremely useful to listen to Magento team presentations. They were dedicated to new implementations in Magento core as well as specific element improvements. For example, checkout. Vadim Justus also gave a great talk. He told us about applying the pipeline pattern as an alternative for cron. Besides that, I was also incredibly excited to see Ben Marks live in person!”
Oleh Volkov,
Backend developer at Magecom
“It was interesting to find out how Magento Cloud would be changing. The topic was highlighted by Anton Kril. He announced removing ssh’s access to production, revealing the opportunity to gain logs, dumps, commits, and move them all to the dev server for debugging. In other words, it will enable us to create a full live website copy on Magento Cloud and debug it from there. This will make websites more secure. Currently, despite high file safety, databases are still at risk. And if we fully remove ssh access, the system will become significantly more reliable.”
Alexander Shkurko,
Backend developer at Magecom
“This year, I gave a speech on Domain Driven Design (DDD) practices at the conference. I chose this topic because DDD can help to successfully automate business processes. I love the way the conference was organized! Everything was clear and smooth. I enjoyed speaking as well as answering questions afterward. Following my presentation a number of people approached me and shared their opinions regarding DDD. We discussed details, and it felt great to share my knowledge with the community. But the best thing ever for me was drinking beer with the Magento Core Team. We got acquainted almost immediately and had a great conversation!”
Eugene Gurbych,
Backend developer at Magecom
“The conference was organized well. No time shifts, almost everything was up to the minute. As for me, the most interesting presentations were about PWA and GraphQL.
PWA is a new Magento 2 feature that’s bound to allow searching websites and ordering products without connection. After a user reconnects it, orders reach the database. GraphQL is another amazing feature aimed at accelerating Magento 2’s performance.
The attendees were friendly. Everybody discussed the future of Magento 2 and the latest functionality. It was easy to grab a cup of coffee, approach a table, and butt into a conversation with strangers.”
Dmitry Kaplin,
Backend developer at Magecom
“The most important thing I found out at the conference was that Magento was planning to massively implement microservices. Apart from that, artificial intelligence is also going to be integrated into the platform. This will significantly change the way we’re used to seeing Magento. Today, some of the biggest marketplaces use such functionality to predict user’s actions. For example, this built-in AI forecasts that the particular person will buy a particular product at the 90% credible level. You see, it gives us new opportunities to sell.
One more possible AI implementation is Adobe Stock Integration. New functionality can dramatically decrease the time users spend on search and show them appropriate pictures as related products. Now this work is done by algorithms, but it might be more efficient to use AI.”
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