Take care of system protection
& run security health check

Conduct a thorough security audit to determine weaknesses and eliminate them. Pave the path to the best website security you can ensure for your customers.

Business owners usually think about system security only at the point of no return, relying on a bit of luck. In 2018, an average US business could save up to $1.05 million within a year to grow or expand its business if not for cybersecurity incidents. To save on remedying an attack afterward and maintain the brand reputation, it’s better to make the rational choice first and invest in exploring the actual state of things and introducing preventive web security.

On the inside of security audit

  • Analyze security patches already used and need to be introduced to make the security for an ecommerce website up-to-date and effective
  • Use security audit tools to explore how the frontend and backend parts of the business system are protected to minimize system vulnerabilities. Check the server-side security system — configurations, tools, folders, ports, and access control
  • Provide an additional manual web security check to make sure that all things are considered and analyzed
  • Develop an extensive report with key recommendations that map out further actions to strengthen the security for ecommerce businesses

Going a long way

Conducting a security analysis that covers issues and weaknesses of the system
Developing a security strategy and report that aim to protect your business from risks
Building a top of priorities and ranking them from the critical ones to the lowest

Any questions left?

01. What are security issues in ecommerce?

Ecommerce websites store sensitive personal data of users, employees, and customers, as well as payment and internal business information. Malicious attacks on your ecommerce website can result in data leakage and reputation loss for a business. That’s why preventing security issues in ecommerce must be a top priority.

Ecommerce security threats include but are not limited to:

🟠Financial fraud: stolen credit card data, fake returns and refunds

🟠Clients’ data theft: stealing customers personal details to use the for fraudsters’ purposes

🟠DoS & DDoS attacks: disruptions in a website’s work, leading to the loss of sales

🟠e-Skimming: malicious software infecting checkout pages with malicious software to steal customers’ personal and payment data

🟠Malicious changes to online store websites: alterations in the content of an online store to. divert traffic to a competing business or destroy the affected company’s reputation

02. What does a website security audit include?

An ecommerce security audit checklist must include:

1️⃣ Security scan with the help of security audit software

2️⃣ Check website settings, including comment settings, visible information, and input validation

3️⃣ Review user permissions

4️⃣ Check the expiry date of domains, SSL certificate, and a hosting plan

5️⃣ Monitor your website traffic and filter the irrelevant one

6️⃣ Ensure the security of your IP address

03. What are security audit tools?

Cyber security audit for ecommerce websites can be ensured with:

🟠Nessus helps to find missing security patches, achieve compliance with the scans, and conduct point-in-time analysis.

🟠Intruder determines security vulnerabilities such as misconfigurations, missing patches, cross-site scripting, encryption weaknesses, and application bugs, etc.

🟠Symantec detect threads and malware, secure accesses, provides end-point protection, very user identities, and more.

🟠Netwrix Auditor monitors and configures changes, check permissions, and performs risk analysis.

🟠LogicGate performs risk assessment, ensures security standards for your website.

04. How often should a cyber security audit be performed?

The regularity of security checks depends on the side of your business. Generally, performing it at least twice a year is recommended. However, bigger online stores need to deal with larger amounts of sensitive data, so security audits are better to be conducted monthly.